Fluorite is one of the most colourful stones in the mineral kingdom, although it is actually transparent and colourless, the colour displayed varies depending upon the impurities in the stone. Fluorite can be green, purple, and pink, including pastel shades of those colours, rainbow, and less commonly, yellow, magenta, grey, blue and black. Fluorite has four perfect cleavage planes and can naturally form in a cubic structure, as well as in octahedron form.
Fluorite is a stone symbolising motivation and drive, but in an orderly structured fashion. In deep meditative practice Fluorite can assist you with co-ordination and logistical planning when you are considering direction in your spiritual, emotional and/or physical life. Fluorite is also a super stone to assist in combatting procrastination and is a worthy addition to any study or workspace.
When specifically considering Rainbow Fluorite, think of the above properties, with reference to the higher chakras; the heart, throat, third eye and crown. Do you have spiritual and/or emotional matters you need to put in order? Do you need to review your spiritual direction? Are you taking a course of action contrary to your values and belief systems? Are you expending emotional energy on persons or objects not worthy of your focus; is another direction warranted? Are you speaking your truth? Consider Rainbow Fluorite as your appropriate stone in such circumstances to get the energetic boost you need to process and make the necessary changes.
This particular carving is of a skull wearing a masquerade mask. Why would a skull wear a masquerade mask you ask? In our human experience we wear many masks and have many roles depending upon our individual circumstances. Our circumstances can dictate and demand more from us than we think we have to give. Very much along the lines of the skull wearing a mask, we too can put on a mask to help us deal with certain situations. This does not make us a fraud, this simply means sometimes we need outside help to manage in such cases. The symbolism of this carving concerns the necessity of having to wear a mask and providing the requisite strength in certain situations, but also a reminder that a mask is simply that, it is a tool we use but it is not permanent and it can be removed when you feel it is right to do so.
Stone carved into the human skull form is a tool that can be used with meditative practice to expand your consciousness.
1.25kg11.5cm length x 12cm height x8cm width